Sophia Kaltsouni Mehdizadeh

PhD student | Creative Technology & Design, Cognitive Neuroscience

Adaptive Filtering | Sophia Kaltsouni Mehdizadeh

Adaptive Filtering

Created by: Sophia Mehdizadeh, Socrates Papageorgiou, Abdulrahman Shehadeh, and Jack Nonnenmacher

University of Michigan Electrical Engineering senior capstone design project

High level diagram


About the project

EECS 452 is the digital signal processing design lab senior capstone course. For our project, my team decided to make a real-time adaptive speaker system. The prototype used a Raspberry Pi 3 and two STM32 Nucleo microprocessors running a custom C algorithm to analyze the frequency characteristics of room-affected audio and apply a filter to negate these unwanted effects. We were able to create a completely modular system that allowed users to connect their own speakers and microphone, as well as control the processing via a mobile application that could be downloaded to their own device.

App and signal flow

I mainly worked on designing prototypes of the adaptive filtering algorithm and noise floor algorthm in MATLAB. I then moved on to developing and debugging the communication protocol between the Raspberry Pi and STM32 Nucleo boards. My team and I regularly communicated our progress to our professors through reports and presentations. Our final deliverables included a project poster and IEEE-style technical paper.

The Adaptive Speaker system was demo-ed during the College of Engineering Design Expo.

Design Expo